“ALL THINGS were created through him and for him. And he is before ALL THINGS, and in him, ALL THINGS hold together.”
Knowing, Showing, and Enjoying God
All that we study at The King’s School—and all the outcomes we enjoy—are rooted in the great desire expressed in our mission statement of Knowing, Showing, and Enjoying God. In all things, we humbly intend to connect to the preeminence of Christ.
The aim of Knowing, Showing, and Enjoying God is a worthy pursuit for everyone. For The King’s School, it also gives us a solid educational framework—one that enables us to effectively deliver the BC Ministry of Education curriculum from a Christian worldview.
The BC Education Curriculum requires teachers to organize unit plans, lesson objectives, and learning activities under three “core competencies”: Thinking, Communication, and Personal/Social. Perfect! These core competencies dovetail beautifully with Knowing, Showing, and Enjoying. Our teachers are therefore able to fulfill the TKS mission while giving our students a solid education that opens a multitude of post-secondary options.
By Discovering Christ in all areas of life and learning
“No one has ever seen God” (John 1:18), and no one can claim to have “known the mind of the Lord” (Romans 11:34). This appears to be bad news. Truly knowing God seems unattainable. And what a tough spot we’re in since knowing God is the essence of life: “And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent” (John 17:3).
God rescues us from the impossibility of being unable to fully know Him. The one who rescues is Jesus Christ, who—being very God himself—took the form of human flesh and actively makes God known to us (John 1: 1–18).
Knowing Christ gives us hope for knowing God. Knowing Christ is essentially why The King’s School exists. This mission draws parents to The King’s School, and it gives our students the opportunity to thrive here.
And what a wonderful educational opportunity we all possess at TKS, for “in Christ are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge! “(Colossians 2:3) We see education as an exciting, challenging, lifelong treasure hunt. Each discovery our students make allows them to know God more deeply.
By sharing their discoveries
“You are the light of the world. … let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:14–16).
“Show and Tell” is popular for good reason. When TKS students uncover “treasures of wisdom and knowledge,” we love to give them opportunities to show off their discoveries. From reciting scripture verses to sharing the harvest of their class gardens to raising funds to aid children around the world, TKS students and staff seek to share the life and light that Christ gives us.
By delighting in His gifts
“You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore” (Psalm 16:11).
Enjoying God is one of the great benefits of knowing Christ and his purposes: “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10).
The more our students get to know God, the more they will want to show who He is. The more they show His glory, the more they will enjoy doing so. Their increasing joy whets their appetites for even more knowledge and discovery. And so a wondrous cycle spirals upward.
Mission vs. Vision
The King’s School mission statement of Knowing, Showing, and Enjoying God expresses our core values and purpose. Closely related but slightly different is our vision statement. While our vision statement affects the entire TKS community, it primarily focuses on our students to remind us of our ambitions and hopes for their ongoing growth and development.
Biblical Foundation
Our vision draws on the God-inspired words of the Apostle Paul as he writes to his dearly loved friends and partners in the gospel who lived in the ancient city of Philippi. (It is noteworthy that they were adults, yet the “children of God” reference applies.)
Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life… (Philippians 2:14–16)
TKS Vision Statement
To succinctly express God’s word above, this is our vision for our students:
In the midst of a confused generation, seeing students who shine brightly in their thoughts, relationships, and pursuits by holding fast to the word of life.
And, if this vision occasionally gets blurred, we offer two brief, powerful words of encouragement to summarize our motto: HOLD FAST!
TKS Faith Essentials and Community Standards
Those who wish to join The King’s School need to be fully aware of its faith essentials and community standards, which are outlined in this linked pdf.