A school flowing with God’s abundance and …
The King’s Heavenly Honey
Heavenly Honey—Year Two!
In Year One, our busy bees, Grade Sevens, and Dr. Newton generated 149 jars of honey! Even with such abundance, the jars sold out in just a few days!
In Year Two, the busyness continued but the output declined. Due to circumstances beyond the bees’ control, just 40 jars (375 ml) are available in 2024.
To fairly balance the supply and demand, we will have an auction:
Auction Procedures
For seven days, you can “bid” on one jar of The King’s Heavenly Honey—2024. The minimum bid is $20 per jar.
On Day 6, you will be emailed the rank of your highest bid. You will have a final opportunity to increase your highest bid and improve your rank. Final bids will be accepted until Wednesday, November 20, at 10:00 pm.
If you have a winning bid at the end of the seven days, every dollar above $20 is considered a donation. (Donations of $10 or more will be issued a 2024 tax receipt.)
All proceeds from the honey sales flow back into the The King’s Heavenly Honey program.
Submit your bid by filling out the adjacent form . In the event of ties between bids, the earliest submissions win. So secure your 2024 jar of The King’s Heavenly Honey by bidding quickly and generously!