TKELC: All Shapes and Sizes
TKELC is a play-based preschool program for children aged 3 to 5. By interacting with our many opportunities for indoor and outdoor play, your child will exercise his or her imagination and discover personal interests, adding layer upon layer of creativity in the process. Your child’s spiritual, social, emotional, and physical development—as well as his or her growth in problem-solving and personal expression—are our primary objectives.
What makes our preschool unique is that we have a multitude of great outdoor adventures for your child to explore. Students can be found playing in the backyard mud kitchen, learning in the stump classroom, and creating their own obstacle course. Ms. Pam loves taking her classes through the beautiful walking trails on our 23-acre campus. And, our preschool is right next door to the historic Davistead Dairy Farm where Dave and Nicole Davis give us an open invitation to visit the cows, baby calves, horses, and sheep. The children even get to see all the different tractors along the way!
We know that your child will thrive with our exciting early-learning program focused on outdoor play, God’s beautiful creation surrounding us, and the fun and welcoming classroom environment provided by an energetic and loving Ms. Pam.
Class sizes are limited to ten children.
The yearly calendar is synchronized with The King’s School’s calendar so it runs ten months per year.
Children should be potty-trained. We have a toilet seat designed for toddlers available for those who need it.
Our class times are as follows for 2024–2025:
M/W/F Mornings (8:30–12:30)
This class is designed for four-year-olds with a view to kindergarten readiness at a cost of $272 per month (CCFRI reductions apply). Spots available.T/Th Mornings (8:30–11:30)
This God-centred, play-based, and nature-focused curriculum is designed for three-year-olds at a cost of $180 per month (CCFRI reductions apply). Spots available.
Please download the application form and return it to the TKS office. Get your applications in early as class times will be reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis. For inquiries, contact Mrs. Cramer, administrative assistant, at The King’s School.