Hockey Day 2023 at TKS
Friday, March 17, 2023
For those who are unfamiliar with this exciting tradition, Hockey Day at TKS is a school-wide celebration of the great Canadian game that so significantly contributes to the fabric of our culture. Students from preschool to grade 12 compete in hockey events throughout the day—an exhilarating few hours that culminate in two teams competing for the coveted Kit Kat Cup!
And, if you can’t get out to the Kit Kat Cup finals and view from the hill, no worries. Here is the link to the live-streaming broadcast:
Preliminary games start at 8:30 a.m. There will be no audio until the Coast-to-Coast broadcast begins at 12:30 pm.
Earthquake Relief
Hockey Day at TKS is more than just a wonderful way to send us all into spring break. It is the focal point for fundraising efforts toward worthwhile causes.
In stark contrast to the joy and delight our children will experience on Hockey Day is the unimaginable suffering and sorrow endured by the earthquake-stricken families in Turkey and Syria.
Donate to the TKS Earthquake Relief Fund. by clicking the button below. Tax receipts will by issued by TKS. Relief funds will be channelled through the Canadian Red Cross.