TKS Capital Campaign

The King’s School's leadership team is pleased to launch a major capital campaign to serve local children and their families. The acronym for this campaign—“Bee”— describes the great goal facing the TKS community and the compelling reasons for meeting it:


Constructing new school facilities is always a challenge. Raising the capital to do so is even more so. The building plan is in two phases, which will be described later.

The Challenge


The King’s School’s vision for students is that they would be unblemished in their generation, shining as lights in their communities by holding fast to the Word of God. New school facilities will extend the reality of this life-altering vision to even more families and children.

At the same time, facility upgrades will extend the range and features of our curricular offerings, allowing TKS students to step into a multitude of post-secondary pursuits with confidence.

The Reasons


The King’s School has earnestly endeavoured to show the love of Christ to thousands of families and children since 1982. The Lord’s love endures forever. His faithfulness continues to all generations. It is an invigorating privilege to play a role, however small, in showing God’s mercy to children yet unseen.

Capital Campaign Projects

We are excited to be embarking on plans to sustain and expand The King’s School’s ministry far into the future.

Phase I, which is targeted for completion by September 2025, subject to external approvals includes:

  • a new classroom for our littlest of “little ones” in The King’s Early Learning Centre,

  • an additional classroom for flexibility during the transition to Phase II,

  • and toddler/nursery spaces for The King’s Community Church.

Phase II of the Capital Campaign will commence on the successful completion of Phase 1 and will move us closer to our vision of seeing K-to-7 classes move into a newer building facility.

For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever,
and his faithfulness to all generations.
Psalm 100: 5

Core Details

The two Phase I classrooms will be housed in a permanent building extension designed for schools. The extension will be located adjacent to the north side of the gymnasium. The slope of the land at this location suits a two-storey structure well. Once the permits, cement pads, and utility services are in place, the modular building can be pieced together quickly. The cost of the project will be met through financing and donations. The School and Church will collaborate to meet monetary obligations created by this important investment.

Investing in Christian Education

  • The school is eager to invest from its residue cash flow to help with the financing costs presented by Phase I..

  • As property owner, The King’s Community Church (TKCC) will provide collateral to secure initial financing and will take necessary steps and safeguards to ensure donor expectations for the long-term stability of the school and Christian education are met.

  • TKS Parents, grandparents, relatives, alumni, church members, and all who value the children who daily partake in God’s goodness at The King’s School are invited to invest in Phase I of this vital project. 

    Every sacrificial investment made by our supporters will reduce the financing costs of Phase I and will expedite the beginning of Phase II.

From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. (Ephesians 4:16, NIV)


We know many of our supporters will have great interest and many questions at this early stage of the capital investment campaign. To be sure, Phase I is going ahead and the new classrooms will be here for the long term.

Many of you express your generosity in December of each year. We hope the launch of Phase I will be greatly blessed by your year-end giving.


Note: Donations may also be made by e-transferring to or dropping off a cheque at the office. Please add Phase I to your e-transfer or cheque memo.