Pre-fabricated, Modular Concept

TKS: Capital Investment Strategy

The Purpose

In the early verses of Matthew 18, Jesus places extremely high value on children. He also warns of dire consequences facing anyone who causes “these little ones who believe in me to stumble.”

Such strong language from the King of kings compels all adults to fervently protect and provide for “the little ones who believe in Him.” We must work earnestly to allow children to walk securely and joyfully with Christ as they journey on their road to adulthood.

Such powerful motivation touches the entire TKS community: parents, extended families, staff, and church.

TKS Capital Investment Strategy

Below the adjacent photo, the verse from Psalm 100 promises that all generations will see God’s faithfulness enduring evermore. The TKS community is privileged to play a small but significant role in fulfilling the promise of Psalm 100.

Fortifying, extending, and enduring are three guiding words for The King’s School community as it seeks to steward its God-given ministry to children. As stewards seeking to be faithful, we now turn our attention to a capital investment strategy in the hope that the school will bless families far into the future. For convenience, the capital investment strategy is referred to as FEE (Fortifying, Extending, and Enduring.)

Phase I of FEE, which is targeted for completion by September 2025, includes:

  • A new classroom for our preschool—our littlest of “little ones”— in The King’s Early Learning Centre.

  • An additional classroom that will provide TKS space for its transition to Phase II of FEE and a toddler/nursery space for The King’s Community Church.

Phase II of FEE will begin after the completion of Phase I and will seek to build a new school facility for our K-to-7 classes.

For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever,
and his faithfulness to all generations.
Psalm 100: 5

Core Details

The two Phase I classrooms will be housed in a permanent, pre-fabricated modular building designed for schools. The building will be located adjacent to the north side of the gymnasium. The slope of the land at this location suits a two-storey structure well. Once the permits, cement pads, and utility services are in place, the modular building can be pieced together quickly. The cost will be approximately $650,000, a sum that will be met through financing and donations.


  • Despite having thin budgetary margins each year, the school is eager to invest its residue funds to help manage the financing costs presented by Phase I of FEE.

  • The King’s Community Church

    1. has provided collateral to secure initial financing,

    2. will partner with the school community to help meet the monetary obligations created by this important investment,

    3. and, as the property owner, will take the necessary steps to assure donors that capital contributions will be used for their intended purpose.

  • TKS Parents, grandparents, relatives, alumni, TKCC church members, and all who value the children who daily partake in God’s goodness at The King’s School are invited to invest in Phase I of this growth project.

    Every sacrificial investment made by our supporters will reduce the financing costs of Phase I and will expedite the beginning of Phase II.

From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.(Ephesians 4:16, NIV)


Our supporters surely have great interest and many questions at this early stage of FEE, our capital investment strategy. For the moment, the best assurances are that Phase I of FEE is going ahead and that the new classrooms will be here for generations to come.

Many of you express your generosity in December of each year. We hope Phase I of FEE will explode from its starting gate with your meaningful year-end giving.

All donations are tax-deductible. Donations received by December 31, 2024 will receive a tax receipt for 2024.

Note: Donations may also be made by

  1. e-transferring to (add FEE Phase I to your e-transfer message), or

  2. dropping off a cheque at the office. (add FEE Phase I to the memo portion of your cheque).
